Title: The Girlfriends’ Guide to Toddlers
Author: Vicki Iovine
Publication Year: 1999
Website: www.girlfriendsguide.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: To me, this book is like a less funny version of Preschool Confidential. It covers a lot of territory, but unless you are having a lot of problems with your one to three year old, it probably won’t be that helpful. If, however, a parent is having a lot of problems, they might find this book reassuring. It definitely makes all the crazy stuff almost all kids do seem entirely normal. However, not to sound stuck up, but I personally haven’t lived through what I would call the terrible twos. Sure, my oldest kid (now three) has his terrible moments, but for the most part, I’m not in need of reassurance. (Personal Rating: 5/10)
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