Title: From One Child to Two
Author: Judy Dunn
Publication Year: 1995
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Review: This book contains a lot of useful information. However, it contains such a large amount of information that I feel like the author attempted to cover so much that any really useful wisdom is not memorable amidst all the other commonsense advice. She touches on all the different combinations of older and younger child ages as well as different temperaments of each child.
Therefore, while some of it is applicable to everyone, most of it isn’t applicable to any one sibling pair. If one were to skip around and only read the parts relevant to his or her situation, this book might seem much less tedious. However, having read the whole thing, I just felt like anyone who actually needed help wouldn’t have time to read this book and anyone who was doing okay, would probably come up with most of the useful advice in this book on their own and do okay regardless.
However, if someone were pregnant with their second child, had some free time on their hands to read only the relevant sections, and wanted to be extremely well prepared, this book would be a good resource. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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