Title: Island of the Blue Dolphins
Author: Scott O’Dell
Publication Year: 1960
Website: www.scottodell.com
Age Group:Late Elementary
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Comments: I remember LOVING this book when the teacher read it out loud to my class in 4th grade. I recently listened to it in the car with my kids (ages 5 and 7). We were on a road trip which included visiting the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum where they have an exhibit on the real life woman who lived alone on an island.
This story is so moving and enthralling. The main character, Karana, gets left behind on am island in the Pacific when her tribe sails away. She voluntarily made the choice to stay when she sees that her younger brother did not make it onto the boat. There are definitely sad elements, like when the little brother dies. However, overall the story is uplifting full of tales of her resourcefulness and bravery.
I believe my children really enjoyed it, though they may have been too young to remember it. We will definitely listen to it again when they are a little older.
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