In this Cinderella-esque tale of two sisters, the kind, thoughtful daughter ultimately wins the happily-ever-after rather than the heartless, selfish daughter. I love introducing my kids to books featuring diverse characters. This is familiar, engaging tale will have your kids eagerly following along to see how it ends.
Title: Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale
Author/Illustrator: John Steptoe
Publication Year: 1987
Age Group: Kindergarten, Early Elementary
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Comments: This book has been in our library for a long time. I bought it when my oldest was very young given all the book lists that include it. However, when I tried to read it to my son when he was about 4 years old, it as a little too long and wordy for him. (Note that your mileage may vary, depending on your child). However, once he was in about first or second grade, he was really able to appreciate this book
I am a fan of any book that encourages my kids to show compassion towards others rather than being selfish. I also love books that feature characters that look different from my own children. For those reasons alone, I am glad to have this book in our family’s library. Added to that, this book features gorgeous illustrations, magic, and enchantment. What more could you ask for from a children’s book?
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