A couple of my kiddos have a tendency to write their letters bottom to top. One of them, who is dyslexic, also sometimes writes his letters right to left. In the long run, do I think it's really going to matter if they never outgrow these habits? Not really. I think they'll be fine. However, I think ...
Relative Size of Pluto Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Over 7 years ago, one of the first homeschool posts I ever shared was this Relative Size of the Planets activity when my 7th grader was back in Kindergarten. (Seriously, where does time go?!) Back in the day, when I had one fewer child and a lot more free time, I did all the calculations so that I ...
Simple Lemon Battery
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!A lemon battery is one of those widely known experiments that every child should probably do once as they learn about electricity. Honestly, though, it was not one that I was planning to do with my kids. However, my 12-year-old is currently taking the class Batteries are Weird online from the ...
6th Grade Minimalist Math Curriculum
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!My approach to math in my homeschool is non-traditional, to say the least. I am not a fan of the standard drill-and-kill approach to mathematics. For this reason, I have made my own math curriculum since my oldest was in first grade. This 6th grade minimalist math curriculum was his 6th year using ...
First Grade Math Cards: Patterns & Sequences
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!It's important to me that my kids understand math. However, I am not a proponent of the "drill and kill" teaching philosophy. Maybe it is effective, but personally, I think it's unnecessary. That's why I created my own math curriculum for my kids. You can find my full First Grade Minimalist Math ...
Nile River Delta Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Especially with younger kids, hands-on activities help cement learning in our children's minds. I might have told my kids that the Nile River was in Egypt 10 times, and they still probably would forget. By making a model of the Nile River delta not only did the words "Nile" and "Egypt" become a ...
Fun Ways to Use Wall Letter Posters
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!It is the end of an era. My youngest child finally knows his alphabet well enough that these homemade wall letter posters no longer make sense to display in my home as if we were a full-time preschool. Before I take them down, I thought I would share some of the ways these wall posters have worked ...
Papyrus and Hieroglyph Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!I love to make my kids' education experiential and hands-on whenever possible. Often, life gets so busy that my grand ideas don't actually happen as often as I would like. Over the course of the past year, given the shutdown pandemic-y status of the world, we were actually able to do a lot more ...
Ancient Mesopotamian Ziggurat Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Making time to do hands-on history activities with my kids can be a challenge sometimes, but I think it is worth the effort. Kids seem to remember information so much better if they get to experience it in a hands-on way instead of just reading about it. As part of our ancient Mesopotamia studies ...
Customizing a Premium Theme
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Recently I have been working on starting a blog for my daughter so she can practice her writing and typing skills while working on her passion project. I thought I would use this opportunity to explain the steps needed to start a blog that could potentially one day make money. I'm hoping these ...