I've always loved the idea of chess...an intellectual game that requires strategy, forethought, anticipation, and practice. I'm a complete math nerd. I should be all over chess. However I never learned. Even if I had learned, I didn't have anyone to play with. Now, ever since reading and watching ...
Board Games
Enchanted Forest
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!For the past month, this memory-based game has replaced Busytown as our favorite go-to family game. My 7 year old is the one that likes it the best, but I enjoy it and my 4 year old can definitely play too. Even the 2 year old can sort of pretend to play, though he's messed up the board a couple ...
Set Junior
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!For most people, I think the real Set game is probably most appropriate, since 6 year olds can get the hang of the adult version and Set Junior isn't really that fun of a game to play with preschoolers. However, if you have preschoolers who might want to play too, there is a definite advantage to ...
Scrambled States of America Game
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Somehow, growing up in California in the 80's and 90's, I was never required to take a geography class. Since I never took a personal interest in the subject, my geographical knowledge is downright embarrassing. I'm determined that my kids will not grow up with the same shortcoming. I'm always ...
Goodnight Moon Game
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!This fun, open-ended game based on one of the world’s most popular books for babies and toddlers is the perfect first board game for young kids. There are lots of different ways to play making this game appropriate for a wide range of ages. Product: Goodnight Moon Game Company: Briar ...
The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!This is a fun game for early preschoolers that teaches a variety of simple skills such as matching, color identification, counting to two, motor control, and turn taking. It's engaging enough that older kids who are already good at these skill will like playing with younger siblings. Product: The ...
Catan Junior
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!This is an entertaining game for families with kids 5 years and up. It's one of the few games I really like to play with my kids. Catan Junior teaches many useful concepts such as abstract math through the acquiring and trading of resources to purchase pirate ships and lairs. It's also a good first ...
Robot Turtles
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Product: Robot Turtles Company: Think Fun Website: http://www.robotturtles.com/ Recommended Age Range: 4 to 8 years Price Range: ~$20 Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link) Comments: My 4.5 year old and I are seriously loving this game. When I started college 15 years ago, I knew I wanted to do ...
Travel Connect 4
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Product: Travel Connect 4 Company: Hasbro Website: www.hasbro.com Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up Price Range: ~$10 Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link) Comments: We have an older version of travel Connect Four than the one presently being sold, but I imagine the current version is still a ...
Roll & Play – Your Child’s First Game
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Product: Roll & Play: Your Child's First Game Company: Thinkfun Website: www.thinkfun.com/rollandplay Recommended Age Range: 1 to 3 Years Price Range: $14-$20 Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link) Comments: My mom gave this to my daughter when she was 20 months old. (The box says 18 months and ...